
I’ve been captivated by books since I was in elementary and I have read a lot of them, but there are only a handful of times that I bothered to know the name of their author. Once I noted that, I realized how underrated authors were.

There are only a few I know and look forward to, which is kinda ironic since I once wanted to become an author. But these authors are quite special as they made an impact in how I think and see things, in how I write, and how I approach stories. I related to their material and somehow, I see a piece of myself in their characters.

I won’t put in the usual authors I love to read like John Green, Nicholas Sparks, or Jojo Moyes since we all know they’re amazing. Instead, here are three other favorite authors I wanna rave about.


I have yet to read her novels for adults and I am still reading her second YA novel but hear me out when I say that she has a knack of capturing teen angst and struggles in her YA books. The transition to adulthood is hard—much more when you’re in high school, with the pressure of fitting in and avoiding cold judgments. I think Niven showed that clearly in All the Bright Places and Holding Up the Universe.

When reading the first book, I was transported to where Violet and Finch are. I felt her emotions, I felt her pain. Her imagery was clearly shown and the emotions were raw. I don’t cry easily when reading books (unlike when I’m watching movies) but I cried harder reading Violet and Finch’s story than when I read Jojo Moyes and Nicholas Sparks. I was unable to move for about a day and a half, let me tell you!

She had a way with words that make you feel like you’re living in the story, as if you knew the characters personally. She has a gift in telling heartbreaking stories and showing what some young adults go through today, which I admire as a once-aspiring author.


I never imagined myself reading Paulo Coelho since I’ve always been reading YA romance and dystopian fiction. I guess I always thought his stories are for adults, but once I started reading The Devil and Miss Prym, I was hooked. I love how his mind works, how he could make stories that seem so simple and yet it would make you think things twice. He has the ability to write about reality and what happens beyond it—what happens inside a person’s thoughts, what happens behind closed doors. I love the message in his stories and how everything has a moral lesson. I devour his words and take it to heart because at the end of the story, you’d always get a lesson much deeper than what we thought we knew. His stories are for the soul and people would relate to it—from teens to adults—because he writes about what every person goes through.


Probably the only complete book series I have is the Selection series by Cass. I am a hopeless romantic and a sucker for romance novels. I love a good romantic storyline; throwing in princes and princesses is just the cherry on top.

I think I was in high school (just after the Hunger Games series was released) when I read Selection. I loved how Cass’ setting was a different kind of dystopia and the story about a love triangle with a prince and a pauper—although cliche and predictable—still has its distinctions. The way she wrote her characters would make you root for them. The heroine isn’t a damsel-in-distress (although there are times when she needs saving), and the real plotline is coated in the glamor of vying for a prince’s heart. I love how, even though it’s a romantic YA, it’s not all about making your heart flutter as there’s a deeper story going on as you read through it.

I think her stories are quite appropriate for any hopeless romantics—may they be teens or young adults.


I’m putting her here because I’m currently reading one of her works, Northanger Abbey. It’s not just because of that, though. She is one of the authors who we look up to in romance genres and girl power. Her characters were complex, fearless and witty, her stories are timeless, and I love how they are so well-thought of. There’s just something about her stories, that even though it was written in the 1800’s, you would relate to. For the ladies out there, you can even pick up a thing or two about flirting and capturing a guy’s attention through her stories, if you’re interested *wink, wink*.

I know the sentence structure and the words may be deep (and for someone who has English as her second language, I may have struggled reading the deep English words) but I think her works would be something you’d enjoy.

I know most of you are too busy to even pick up a book or read for leisure, and with all the Youtube and Netflix nowadays, it’s easier to watch an adaptation instead of reading but I urge you to give reading a chance; it has its perks and health benefits. Try out some of the works from these authors, expand your vocabulary (as i have, thanks to Jane Austen), immerse yourself in the story, and imagine the scenarios written down in the pages.

And if you’re a book lover like me, let me know if you’ve read anything from these authors or if you have other favorites too. I’d love to read about your recommendations!